Thursday, December 15, 2005

Cheese Fondue

I cook from the hip. “Iron Chef” is my favorite TV show because their experience is my daily life. What’s in the fridge? What can I do with it to make a meal?

That’s it. Give me some stuff and I’ll figure out what to do with it.

That said, I do use cookbooks and have a nice, growing collection of ideas and wisdom from the Great and the Unknown.

One book I like in particular is “Cooking for You” by Robert Carrier.

And, today’s recipe for cheese fondue comes from page 155 of his book. Here’s the blueprint:

1 lb cheese (8 oz Gruyere, 8 oz Emmenthal) grated
1 teaspoon cornflour (corn starch)
1 clove garlic
half pint dry white wine

1. Toss grated cheese with cornflour.
2. Rub inside of Fondue Pot with garlic. Add white wine and cook until wine starts to bubble.
3. Add cheese gradually and blend, stirring continuously, until smooth.
4. Add grated nutmeg, salt, pepper
5. Serve with chunks of French bread

This is a basic, cheese fondue recipe. Cut the French loaf into one-inch cubes and dip the bread into the cheese to coat.

Serve with lots of wine and Cuka Rocka playing on the stereo.

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