No power. No Internet! Got food n water.
Dark here. Very dark.
1:24 am, cst
Power is out. This via iPhone. Wind steady.
Rain abated. Eye of storm moving on shore.
More later. So far Ike not so bad.
Good night.
12:55 AM, CST, Sugar Land, Texas, Saturday morning
We're in a quiet band according to the radar image. Winds have slowed with the occasional gust and the rain has subsided. However, it won't last. A new band of wind and rain is heading our way before the eye of the storm reaches us. The eye is just about to Galveston and I'm sure they could use the relief!
12:30 AM, CST, Sugar Land, Texas, Saturday morning
The wind is pretty steady and the rain is coming in sheets, pillow cases and blankets. Power has flickered a few times but the iMac is hanging in there and so is the Internet connection.
Not much debris blowing around outside. Just small stuff. No Volvos or Bichon Frises'. How pitiful is that?
11:30 PM, CST, Sugar Land, Texas

Starting to get some rain. Actual drops instead of mist are now falling and the gusts are still intermittent. The Weather Channel says that Ike is still about 40 miles out but picking up speed and should be over land in about an hour.
So far the wind is about the same as it has been all night, but the rain is intensifying.
Not much on TV except Ike news and weird-o's in funny orange and blue suits standing in the rain. Reporters, I guess.
10:30 PM, CST, Sugar Land, Texas

Ten thirty in the evening and nothing but lulls and wind gusts. I think some of the gusts are stronger than an hour ago but they are infrequent.
We are tossing a coin on whether to watch another DVD movie or go skinny dipping in the pool amongst the palm tree debris.
Hmmm, what to do, what to do?
9:15 PM, CST, Sugar Land, Texas

Nine PM and the wind gusts are coming and going. Right now it's very calm, not much wind. We had a nice dinner and are watching a couple of DVD's waiting for Ike to arrive.
Where are you Big Boy? Shy?
7:30 PM, CST, Sugar Land, Texas

It's around seven-thirty in the evening, now, and the winds are definitely stronger in gusts, but still going back and forth between gusting and still. Some small limbs are down and more leaves are blowing around, but no rain as yet.
We're getting ready for our first Ike Feast in about 30 minutes and will probably watch a movie to pass the time. Yep, hurricane watching is Dullsville.
5:50 PM, CST, Sugar Land, Texas

(View from upstairs window facing North Northeast.)
The wind has just picked up and I can hear the palm fronds flapping in the breeze. It's been calm and slightly breezy all day with just a few hints of rain but nothing more than a light mist, and only for a short while.
What is different about the wind is the gusting. There's a steady background of blowing punctuated by louder gusts. Then it gets quiet again before building to the next wave.
The main storm is still way out in the Gulf, about 6 hours away.
We have everything put away from the yard, did a backup of our computers and put those hard drives in a plastic bag away from windows. We have a stock of food and a stash of water and we are as ready as we're going to get. Nothing to do now but wait.
The back of our house is all glass, nearly a solid wall of glass, but the east side where most of the wind will originate is both protected and has only one window. So, hopefully, we won't have to contend with broken windows and rain inundation.
10:30 pm - We're definitely getting more gust than lull here. And they can quit with the on-off-on-off-on power thing. We don't need the disco effect.
I can't get enough of this Live stuff! A reporter just showed a window that looks like its "straining" against the wind. Now that's news!
Thanks for the reports, Bill. I've been seeing the pictures out of Galveston and Houston, and I've been concerned about you and Bret. Glad to know you're in one piece and hope Bret's okay.
So you're without power, but how was the damage? Did your glass wall survive?
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