Not a great sounding word, but good eating as they say.
I'm talking about boiled goobers, aka boiled peanuts.
Once you start eating them, get comfortable. You're going to be there a while. I'd suggest laying in a supply of cold beer, too. And some tall tales.
Let's see. Goobers, check. Beer, check. Tall tales, check and double check. (Is there any other kind?)
Boiled peanuts take planning. First, it's not easy to get raw peanuts year round. They usually appear in the Fall, like about NOW and don't last long at the supermarket. I bought two bags this year on a whim. I saw "Raw Peanuts" and thought "Boiled Peanuts" and the rest was history.
The process is easy but time consuming. You have to boil the peanuts in a large pot of water with plenty of salt for 3-4 hours. I let the peanuts soak in the brine after cooking for another hour to let them soak in as much brine as possible. Then I drain and refrigerate them overnight.
Chilled boiled peanuts are fun, if messy, to eat, succulent and salty. Don't forget salty. That's the best part. Next to the beer and tall tales.
When I was a kid we used to hike to Old Man Carter's for boiled peanuts. It was a long way. About two days hike. Uphill. And it was always snowing. We couldn't afford shoes so we wrapped our bare feet with barbed wire for traction in the snow.
Old Man Carter would always tell us that he just sold out to make us cry, then charge us double because he could.
Then it was a three day hike home. Uphill. In the snow.
But worth it, yes, every frostbit amputated toe was worth the trek. I saved those toes and I've got them in the fridge here in a jar labeled "Gerkins" just so I don't get in trouble with the FBI.
Ah, I seem to be getting ahead of myself in the Tall Tale Department. Oh, well, there's always tomorrow!

Your peanut trek sounds just like my walk to classes at KU. What a coincidence!!?!? Uphill both ways, in the snow, barefoot!
Old Man Carter's? How 'bout down to the Pak-a-Sak. Same place you got sugar cane in the summer.
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