Thursday, November 02, 2006

Lightly Squashed

Our local supermarket is undergoing a renovation: new shelves, more shelves, new floor and a massive rearrangement.

One of the benefits is the New and Improved produce section with lots of new veggies.

Take the cute, little squashes, for example, and I did. Three bags full. Green, yellow and greenie-yellow. About the size of a button mushroom I decided on the spot to create a dish with whole, cute, little squashes, mushrooms and red bell pepper for color.

Here's the blueprint:

cute little squashes
button mushrooms
cubed red bell pepper
sliced garlic
chopped onion

Saute lightly all the veggies in some butter. Season with salt and pepper. Add some cream, bring to a boil. Combine with the fettuccine and serve with grated parmesan.

I paid for the cream and butter at the gym the next morning with a series of Romanian dead lift lunges. Lunge, butter, cream, lunge! It hurt so good.


Raining Buckets said...

You paid for it at the gym because you had no protein with those baby squash, Man! Should've added crumbled bacon to the mix ... then you would have had better fuel for the lunging if you know what I mean!

I will try the recipe though -- thanks for the suggestion.

Foo said...

Ah reckon ah likes me them baby corns. Mmm-hmm.