Sunday, October 26, 2008

They Got It Wrong!

Palin isn't going rogue.

Palin is going ROUGE!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Other Shoe Drops

A guy came into the store the other day to buy a pair of shoes because that’s what we sell in the store, shoes, but also shoe accessories like shoe laces and socks and such like. But, you know, I sell shoes to executives and that’s what I was hired to do here at the shoe store, to sell shoes to executives so I’ve got that executive shoe experience that’s so desperately needed in shoes sales, and such like.

Shoe sales, well, it’s all about the health of the shoe sales people and the shoe buyers and let’s not forget our friends the shoe makers who make our shoes and provide them for our feet. I just love working here in a small shoe store because small shoe stores have always been pro-feet and that’s where you get a real sense of shoe-ness and feet-ness, in those small shoe stores there.

I have been asked what is my experience in television sales and I can truthfully say that my executive shoe sales experience has prepared me well for television sales, too. Why, just across the mall, you see, just past the Sunglasses Hutch, right over there is the Television Store and you can see it from here. The Television Store people are our neighbors and when that Television Store manager goes for lunch guess where he walks? You got it, right past our store and if he ever decided to try to sell televisions in our store I’d use my executive shoe experience to tell him what was what, you betcha!

You keep your televisions over there, Mister Television Store Manager, I’d say!

And clothing, too, there are all these gaps like the Income Gap and the Housing Gap and the Generation Gap, and, then, there’s The Gap. But, you know, it all comes down to jobs. Jobs, jobs and jobs. Oh, and trade. Let’s not forget trade. Trade need not be a scary thing! Why, one in five jobs are in trade although, for the life of me, I have no earthly idea what these people do. Trade, I guess!

You’re probably wondering how I keep up on things and, well, I read everything in the Mall and such like. Everything. All the posters and signs. Just this morning I saw an announcement that Macy’s was having a 50% off sale on expensive, red leather designer jackets. Only $3,000 each! I’m going to pick me up a couple of those, for sure, and such like. What a deal!

Oh, and the guy who came into the store to buy a pair of shoes, well, it turns out he wanted to buy some sandals which are sort of anti-shoe so I suggested he might be happier with a television and he went over there.

All’s well that ends well. I always say that!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


As a general rule Twelve Two Two Fondue avoids talking about the most volatile subjects, politics and religion, but occasionally events transpire that inspire.

This is one.

I only wish that Colin Powell had run for President.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Soon the Jedi

"Did you order a Jedi Knight Robe?"

"Is that a question or an accusation?"

"Why do you need a Jedi Knight Robe?"

"It's not a matter of need. It's a matter of destiny."

"Ah, that would explain the Wookie in the spare bedroom."

"Er, yes, partially."

Friday, October 03, 2008

So Funny

You are so funny.

You should write a book.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Happy Birthday 2, Kink!

Kink the Cat turns two today officially.

Kink celebrated his Birthday by sleeping all day, a personal favorite of mine, and being treated to Cat Snax at every turn. Another personal favorite. Kink and I are of the same mind; small and sleepy.

This evening Kink feasted on Chicken and Duck Surprise, the surprise of which was being served chicken and duck.

After a post-dinner catnap he sloped off to the bedroom for some serious sleeping. I'm glad he's learned his priorities in his second year.

Tonight we had a slideshow of Kink's Greatest Moments and, of course, embarrassed the boy by showing his first picture shown below. My, what ears!