Friday, March 25, 2005


The ribs are cooking on the grill and I'm sitting out here on the deck with my laptop on my, er, lap. Where else?

Hmmm, the WiFi signal is stronger out here than in the Blogorium! That should be a big hint.

The kid is home from college (Go Longhorns! Whoo!) and requested "ribs." Pork ribs.

Here's the blueprint:

Kroger Pork Ribs soaked in BBQ sauce for a couple of hours.
Sealed on a hot fire.
Smoked gently on a moderate fire for an hour or so.
Meanwhile, prepare a potato salad, some garlic bread and LOTZ of red wine.
Kendal Jackson Pinot Noir was on special at 8-bucks a bottle which is why I've got to get this posting out before I wear out the Backspace key!

I'm sitting out here on the deck with my PowerBook on my lap. June bugs are flying around. Rib yummy smells are wafting around. A pinot noir (previously identified) is at my elbow. I think life is good. Nobbs is here sniffing around and that clinches it. The cat knows.

1 comment:

nick said...

next time you've got some lead time on a feast of ribs:

the day before, par-boil them for about 4 hours (add a decent helping of bbq sauce to the boiling water for a little extra flavor to the meat). this will make them absolutely ready to fall off the bone!

store in the 'fridge till ready to grill.

baste on some more bbq sauce and let carmelize - shouldn't take long as they were basically cooked in the par-boiling process.

i haven't found a better process. I definitely recommend trying it once.
